Art project 2020-2021
Deforestation 世界的に進む森林破壊への小さなアクション。捨てられた銅版に小さな種を描く。その種を、再び自然の中に戻す。 Tokyo Japan
Art project on going
Unwritten Law 自然の不文律 Tokyo japan
Art works 2021
Pray for the world in the age of Covid-19 48の都市に仏像を置くプロジェクト Tokyo Japan
Art works 2020
Sacred faces -聖なる顔 The faces of the sacred beyond the east and west Tokyo Japan
Art works 2019
Prière ー祈り Etching and Collage inspired by ”The Last Judgment” Solo exhibition - Joigny France
Art works 2018
Heart Sutra Drawing inspired by Heart Sutra Exhibition witn Annie Chazotte - Planay France
Art works 2017
Plaques dans la terre ー土のかたち
natural corroded copper plates Exhibition witn Mari Mukouyama - Tokyo